P.IVA 02487010213
+39 328 0048364
All the content of this site (text, images, audio, etc.) is exclusive copyright of the respective authors.
Exclusion of liability:
Notwithstanding careful working and thorough checking, we are unable to guarantee the correctness, completeness or timeliness of the provided content. We completely exclude liability claims towards us due to material or intangible damage caused by the use of this content or rather by the use of incorrect or incomplete content.
Furthermore, we do not incur liability for the content, the availability or possible damage caused by websites connected with this web page by means of direct or indirect links. At the moment of linking the aforesaid websites were free of illegal content. However, we have no influence on their current or rather future appearance and modifications or their links.
Privacy Policy:
The company INGRID CANINS explains on this page how they use the data of the users, who visit their website are processed and how the cookies work on this website. The Privacy Policy is issued in accordance with the Art. 13 GDPR 2016/679 (EU General Data Protection Regulation), in accordance with the Recommendation No 2/2001 which was adopted on May 17, 2001 by the European Data Protection Authorities that convened as part of the Working Group under Article 29 of Directive No 95/46/EC and the decision of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (no. 229 of 8 May 2014). The person responsible for Data processing is not liable for the data and cookies used by third party websites, the may be consulted via links, inserted or installed.
Data processing owner:
The owner and person in charge of data processing is the legal pro tempore representative of: INGRID CANINS, with seat in Aufhofnerstrasse 11 - 39031 Bruneck (BZ) - Italy
Types of data collected:
Among the types of personal data that this website collects, by itself or through third parties, there are those that are inserted through different modules on the website (contact forms, availability request, newsletter subscription, online booking, etc.). Personal data may be freely provided by the user, or, in case of usage data, collected automatically when using this website. Unless specified otherwise, all Ddta requested by this website is mandatory and failure to provide this Ddta may make it impossible for this website to provide its services. In cases where this website specifically states that some data is not mandatory, Users are free not to communicate this dta without consequences to the availability or the functioning of the service. Users who are uncertain about which personal data is mandatory are welcome to contact the owner. Any use of Cookies – or of other tracking tools – by this website or by the owners of third-party services used by this website serves the purpose of providing the service required by the user, in addition to any other purposes described in the present document and in the Cookie Policy, if available.
Mode of the data processing:
Your data will be processed and stored electronically, although potential treatments in paper form are not excluded. INGRID CANINS, with seat in Aufhofnerstrasse 11 - 39031 Bruneck (BZ) - Italy guarantees that, in accordance with the law, your personal data will be processed in compliance with the basic rights and the dignity of the person involved, in particular for what concerns privacy, personal identity and the right to protect such data. Any sensitive data are processed in compliance with the regulations in force and in particular with the law 679/2016 (GDPR).
For access to the IT tools used during the collection, consultation and storage of data, the data controller and processor has put in place all the technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure an adequate level of security, avoiding the possibility of unauthorized disclosure and thus ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, availability of data as well as, in the event of a physical or technical accident, the ability to restore data in a short time.
The personal data collected will be kept for the time necessary to respond to the requests. Where there is additional legislation that requires a longer conservation time, this legislation will be respected by us.
Notice to/regarding children under the age of 16:
If you are under 16 years of age, you should not provide any personally identifiable information (for example, your last name, home address or e-mail address) to INGRID CANINS without the knowledge and permission of your parent or guardian. If INGRID CANINS learns that you are under 16 years of age, INGRID CANINS will not maintain or use any personally identifiable information about you without the verifiable consent of your parent or guardian, except as allowed by law. This may mean that you will be unable to participate in some activities on the sites without that verifiable consent. INGRID CANINS believes that children using the Internet require special protection, and we urge parents or guardians to explain Internet safety to their children. Parents are urged to spend time online with their children to become familiar with the types of content available on the INGRID CANINS websites and the Internet in general. Control tools are available from online services and software manufacturers to help create a safer environment for children.
Aims of the data processing:
The data concerning the user is collected to allow the owner to provide its services, as well as for the following purposes:
contacting the user
managing contacts
sending message
displaying content from external platforms
For any other purpose, we expressly ask you to provide your express, voluntary and separate consent, specifying the reason, except for the consent you give to respond to your requests.
Communication, dissemination of data to third countries and not or international organizations.
In relation to the aforementioned purposes, your personal data will be communicated, if necessary:
to public administrations and authorities, where envisaged by the law;
to credit institutes with which our company maintains a relationship for managing credit/debts and carrying out financial intermediation;
to all those physical and/or juridical persons, public and/or private (legal, administrative and tax consulting firms, judicial offices, Chambers of Commerce, etc.) when the communication is necessary or functional to carrying out our activity and according to the methods and for the purposes listed above.
Your data will not be disclosed without your express, voluntary consent to third parties that are not INGRID CANINS. The data you provide will not be transmitted to third countries or international organizations outside the EU.
The rights of Users:
Users may exercise certain rights regarding their data processed by the owner.
In particular, users have the right to do the following:
withdraw their consent at any time
object to processing of their data
access their data
verify and seek rectification
restrict the processing of their data
have their personal data deleted or otherwise removed
receive their data and have it transferred to another controller
lodge a complaint
Any requests to exercise user rights can be directed to the owner through the contact details provided in this document. These requests can be exercised free of charge and will be addressed by the owner as early as possible and always within one month.
Additional information about Data collection and processing:
System logs and maintenance:
For operation and maintenance purposes, this website and any third-party services may collect files that record interaction with this Wwbsite (System logs) use other personal data (such as the IP Address) for this purpose.
Information not contained in this policy:
More details concerning the collection or processing of personal data may be requested from the owner at any time. Please see the contact information at the beginning of this document.
Changes to this privacy policy:
The data controller reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving notice to its users on this page. It is strongly recommended to check this page often, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the bottom. If a user objects to any of the changes to the policy, the user must cease using this application and can request that the data controller removes the personal data. Unless stated otherwise, the then-current privacy policy applies to all personal data the data controller has about users.
What Are Cookies?
Cookies are small pieces of data sent from a website and stored on a website user’s device while the user is browsing the website. Cookies do lots of different jobs, like letting the website know about your previous activity on the site so that your use of the site is more efficient and enjoyable, remembering your preferences, allowing you to navigate through the site, and authenticating you if you have registered on the site or if you seek to make a purchase through the site. Cookies can also help to ensure that advertisements you see online are more relevant to you and your interests. The use of cookies does not harm your computer in any way, and they are usually automatically deleted after a certain period of time, such as six months. You can find more information about cookies at:
Does INGRID CANINS use cookies on its websites?
Yes. Cookies are small text files stored on your device by your browser. They are used on the one hand to make your browsing experience more efficient and enjoyable and on the other hand to get statistic information about visitors and their web surfing habits. The information collected by cookies does not personally identify visitors.
Am I required to accept cookies to use this website?
You can delete or reject all, or certain, cookies in your browser’s settings. However, be aware that if you do block cookies, some features of this website may not be available to you and some web pages may not display properly.
What happens if I permit cookies on my browser?
By accessing this website, you agree that this Cookie Policy will apply.
For more information:
Furthermore, for safety and statistical purposes, we use relevant systems to collect user information, such as your IP address, the used browser and operating system and/or websites visited by the user for example.
Technical cookies related to CMS:
Activity strictly necessary for the functioning of the Service:
This website could use cookies to save the user’s session and to carry out other activities that are strictly necessary for the operation of this website, for example in relation to the distribution of traffic.
Activity regarding the saving of preferences, optimization, and statistics:
This website could use cookies to save browsing preferences and to optimize the user’s browsing experience. Among these cookies are, for example, those used for the setting of language and currency preferences or for the management of first party statistics employed directly by the owner of the site.
Third-party cookies:
Does INGRID CANINS permit third parties to install cookies or similar web technologies on its websites?
As a general rule, we do not permit any third parties (such as advertisers) to install cookies on our websites or engage in behavioral advertising. However, on some of our websites, such as our social networking pages, it is possible that individuals have uploaded third party content, such as videos from YouTube or elsewhere, or embedded content and sharing tools from other third party sites. Since we do not control the dissemination of cookies by any sites that are not owned or operated by LA PEDEVILLA, you should check the relevant third party website(s) for more information about these cookies, and whether and how you may opt out of receiving them. Generally speaking, however, you may disable third party cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Instructions may be found at
Third-party Booking Widget:
This website may use a third-party booking widget (if installed), an online booking service. This program uses the so-called “cookies”. It uses “strictly necessary (or essential) cookies” that allow you for example to switch from http to https, to save the language settings choice, to save the data entered on the booking form. Booking widgets can also integrate third-party content on this website (such as Facebook and Youtube). These third parties may theoretically also use “cookies”. Please visit the websites of third parties to obtain additional information on usage.
Contact form:
By filling in the contact form with their data, the user authorizes the website to use these details to reply to requests for information, quotes or any other kind of request as indicated by the form’s header.
Mailing list or newsletter:
By registering on the mailing list or for the newsletter, the user’s email address will be added to the contact list of those who may receive email messages containing information of commercial or promotional nature concerning this website. Your email address might also be added to this list as a result of signing up to this website or after making a purchase.
Google Analytics:
This website could use Google Analytics, a web analysis service by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files that are stored on your computer and that enable an analysis of your use of the website. Analysis cookies can be equated can be equated to technical cookies insofar as they are used directly by the website manager to collect aggregate information on the number of visitors and the pattern of visits to the website and there is no way to identify the habits of individual users. In particular, as far as Google Analytics cookies are used, it is at least partially necessary to convert the IP address of the user visiting the website into an anonymous form and to eliminate the transfer of the data via Google. If such an anonymous form of conversion and the prevention of disclosure are not possible, these cookies are covered by the profiling cookies. To disable Google Analytics:
Cookies for Marketing / Remarketing Third Parties:
Through the placement of cookies, browsing on this site could activate Remarketing/Display Ads on Google or third party sites that refer to this site.
These cookies are used by third parties in order to present advertising banners of this site on sites other than his own. While browsing this site, these cookies can be used to show products that may interesting or similar to those already watched, based on your browsing history. The use of these cookies does not involve the processing of personal data, but allows the connection to your computer or other devices and track the stored data: these cookies connect to the browser installed on your computer or other devices used during navigation on our site.
The user’s navigation history, recorded by cookies, helps the activation of ads Remarketing. For more information on Google’s Remarketing you can visit this page.
Users can disable the storage of Google cookies from your browser by following the instructions on these pages:
Principles of Google - Privacy and terms
Ads Preference Manager
By using this website, you consent to the processing of your data by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
Facebook Pixel:
This website could use the Facebook’s remarketing function. This allows for direct contact between the site you are visiting and the Facebook servers: when you browse a site, the information is sent to Facebook, which matches the pages you have visited to your account. For more information on the collection and use of data via Facebook, on the user’s rights and on how to protect confidentiality, see Facebook’s Privacy Policy at Alternatively, you can deactivate the “Custom Audiences” remarketing function at (you must have a Facebook account to do this).
Facebook Social Plugins:
This website could use the social plug-ins of the so-called “social network” (Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA). You will recognize the plug-in by the Facebook logo or the explanatory remark “Facebook Social Plug-in” exposed on a website. The following actions are carried out by this plug-in:
Your browser will connect directly to the servers of Facebook
The plug-in content is transferred by Facebook directly to your browser and implemented automatically
If you are logged into Facebook while visiting a website that uses this plug-in, Facebook will be informed of it and thus relate your browsing this site to your Facebook account
All interaction on your part with the plug-in will be redirected from your browser to Facebook and stored there
Please find more information on the purpose, amount and processing of your data as well as your rights concerning them on Facebook’s data protection terms.
Google +1 Button and Google Social Widgets:
This website uses “Google +1 Button” and/or the Google +1 Social Widgets of the so-called “social network” Google+ (Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA).
The following actions are carried out by these plug-ins:
Your browser will connect directly to the servers of google
The data is transferred by Google directly to your browser
If you are logged into Google while visiting a website that uses these plug-ins, Google will be informed of it and thus relate your browsing this site to your Google account
All interaction on your part with the plug-ins will be redirected from your browser to Google and stored there
Please find more information on the purpose, amount and processing of your data as well as your rights concerning them on Google’s data protection terms:
Privacy Policy for Usage of Twitter:
The service functions from Twitter could be integrated on our site. These functions are offered by Twitter, Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA. Through the use of Twitter and the “Re-Tweet” the web pages you visit are associated with your Twitter account and visible to other users. This data is also sent to Twitter.
We point out that we as providers of the sites have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data as well as the use of those through Twitter. For more information, please see the privacy statement on Twitter
You can change your privacy settings on Twitter in the account settings / Widget: (if installed on this site) use cookies. We have no influence on cookies stored by For more information about these cookies please visit the provider’s website:
Holidaycheck / Widget:
Holidaycheck (if installed on this site) use cookies. We have no influence on cookies stored by Holidaycheck. For more information about these cookies please visit the provider’s website:
Tripadvisor / Widget:
Tripadvisor (if installed on this site) use cookies. We have no influence on cookies stored by Tripadvisor. For more information about these cookies please visit the provider’s website:
Displaying content from external platforms:
Google Maps:
Google Maps is a maps visualization service provided by Google Inc. that allows this website to incorporate content of this kind on its pages. Privacy Policy
Google Fonts:
Google Fonts is a styles visualization service provided by Google Inc. that allows this website to incorporate content of this kind on its pages. The use of Google Fonts does not require authentication. No cookies are sent by the website visitors to the API Fonts. Privacy Policy
YouTube is a video content visualization service provided by Google Inc. that allows this website to incorporate content of this kind on its pages.
Privacy Policy
Since the installation of third-party cookies and other tracking systems through the services used within this website cannot be technically controlled by the owner, any specific references to cookies and tracking systems installed by third parties are to be considered indicative. In order to obtain complete information, the user is kindly requested to consult the privacy policy for the respective third-party services listed in this document. Given the objective complexity surrounding the identification of technologies based on cookies, users are encouraged to contact the owner should they wish to receive any further information on the use of cookies by this website.
Deny / revoke of consent:
To deny/revoke your consent to the use of one or more third-party profiling cookie can:
Access the links of third parties listed above Visit
To revoke your consent to the use of one or more cookies by Xtrawine read below how to delete cookies based on the browser you are using.
Disabling of cookies:
Chrome: for more information visit the dedicated web page
Mozilla Firefox: for more information visit the dedicated web page
Internet Explorer: for more information visit the dedicated web page
Edge: for more information visit the dedicated web page
Safari: for more information visit the dedicated web page
Safari IOS (dispositivi mobile): for more information visit the dedicated web page
Opera: for more information visit the dedicated web page
If you use a different browser, it is advisable to look at the appropriate guide on the website of the manufacturer, for the deactivation of cookies.
Settlement of disputes:
Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission:
Last modification date: